

33 Years Anniversary

飛機師地產冠軍 PETER KWAN 關榮光 屢獲殊榮 服務忠誠 是你置業安居 樓房買賣的好幫手


Peter Award
我的目標是為您提供有關住宅、商業地產和商業投資的信息。我可能會向您擴展我在買賣您的房屋和企業方面的營銷專業知識。 作為 25 年的頂級經紀人(在 RE/MAX Realtron 連續 16 年和在 Homelife-Principal Realty Inc 連續 9 年),買賣超過3,100間物業,我在我的客戶和其他房地產經紀人中贏得了專業和敬業的個人聲譽。我為客戶提供“7 天 24 小時”的服務,以達到甚至超越他們的房地產目標。 我的大多數客戶都是回頭客或來自當前和過去客戶的推薦。我結合使用傳統和高科技工具向全球最大數量的潛在買家推銷房產。我的網站以本地社區和房地產信息為特色。以 Peter Kwan 31 年的經驗和網絡為後盾,我認識到這種聯繫可以讓您的家獲得最大的曝光率。 我的家人一直是我與客戶保持良好關係的靈感源泉。我總是牢記家庭在購買房屋或搬遷時需要什麼。我在這裡幫助您和您的家人實現您的房地產需求。





Diamond Award 

Given To RE/MAX Sales Assocciates whose paid commissions in a given year totaled Over $1,000,000. This is the highest level of award recognizing sales production in a single year

Circle of Legends Award

Given To the Best of the Best, RE/MAX Sales Associates who have earned in excess of $10 Million in paid commissions who have completed at least 10 years within the RE/MAX System and who have attained the Lifetime Achievement Award


Lifetime Achievement Award

Given To RE/MAX Sales Associates who have earned in excess of $3 Million in paid commissions who have completed at least 7 years within the RE/MAX System and who have attained the Hall of Fame Award


Hall of Fame

Given To RE/MAX Sales Associates who have earned in excess of $1 Million in paid commissions in all of their years within the RE/MAX System



Chairman's Club

Given To RE/MAX Sales Associates whose paid commissions in a given year totalled Over $500,000.



Platinum Award

Given To RE/MAX Sales Assocciates whose paid commissions in a given year totaled $250,000 to $499,999.


100% Club Award

Given To RE/MAX Sales Assocciates who have exceeded Four million dollars in sales volume within one year.
















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